Take a journey into Gamelan music with Ensemble Nist-Nah! Before the concert, Pantropical sets the mood with an eclectic DJ set.
➤ Pantropical: 13:00
➤ Talk with Ensemble Nist-Nah: 14:00
➤ Ensemble Nist-Nah: 15:15
The music is grounded in Guthrie's travels in Indonesia and study of various forms of Gamelan music. The ensemble branches out in new directions, using metallaphones, hand drums and gongs from the Gamelan ensembles of Indonesia, alongside drum kit and other percussions. Bringing together 10 of France's finest, Nist-Nah represents a wealth of experience and expertise, and comes from diverse backgrounds in both traditional music, modern percussion, noise and free jazz fanatics. The ensemble presents equal parts of Guthrie's musical interests in free jazz, electroacoustic music and various experimental musical practices, exploring long tones, extended techniques, and non-metered pulse.
Prune Becheau, Charles Dubois, Thibault Florent, Colline Grosjean, Will Guthrie, Amelie Grould, Mark Lockett, Sven Michel, Jennifer Torrence, Arno Tukiman - Gamelan, percussion, drums
Pantropical is a concert/club series and online platform focusing on rough-edged non-western and tropical music in its many iterations, be it club, rural folk or noise. Originally based in Rotterdam, Pantropical now splits its activities between The Netherlands and Denmark, and, at this event, will set the mood for Ensemble Nist-Nah with an eclectic dj set.
Listen to Pantropical here: https://soundcloud.com/pantropical
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