Teho. combines fluently Finnish traditional fiddling, Norwegian Halling, Swedish Polska, Bebop, Western Swing, and composed, Contemporary Folk Music.
➤ Døre åbner: 20:00
➤ Første koncert (TBA): 20:30
➤ Teho.: 21:30
Teho. explores musical boundaries while having roots deeply in the tradition. The duo grew up in Central Ostrobothnia – an area known for its extremely virile and rich folk music life. Teho. are extremely versatile professionals, who know the Nordic Folk Music tradition inside out. Tero Hyväluoma and Esko Järvelä combine musical elements widely and creatively, they master their instruments on a virtuoso level giving them unlimited musical possibilities.
The duo are both top-notch names in the Nordic folk music field and cross-over freelancers without genre boundaries. They have played together for years in various different bands and projects, including one of the most well known Finnish folk band Frigg. Teho.’s debut album was nominated for Finnish Grammy (Emma Awards) in 2018.
Tero Hyväluoma - violin
Esko Järvelä - violin
Carol Supreme is a fun, eclectic and somewhat zany folk trio. Inspired by Scandinavian folk jams, they play odd little tunes written in the energy rush of a late night jam session, and the creative chaos that can arise from the overtired state between night and dawn. And from these intense jam sessions have arised strange tune ideas such as twelve tone polskas, pi-polskas, and tunes that segue between several types of dancing rhythms. These moments of spontaneous joyful creation intertwine with slow, sincere tunes with plenty of room for reflection - a contrast that the trio much enjoys exploring.
Sylvester Kofoed - Violin
Rasmus Dahl - Bouzouki, klaver
Lukas Hainer - Melodika, klaver
Listen to Carol Supreme here
turkis x Det Grønlandske Hus x Aarhundredes Festival
turkis x Aarhundredes Festival