Doors: 14:00 // Concert: 15:00 // Entrance: 130/50 DKK
Experience the sound of Aarhus
Join in from July 10th to July 13th when turkis offers a summerly jazz program on the occasion of Aarhus Jazz Festival. Check out the complete program here.
Look forward to a very special concert experience when composer Nana Pi Aabo-Kim and Extemporize Orchestra premiere their work on the sound of Aarhus.
In close collaboration with Jazzselskabet Aarhus, Nana has focused on Aarhus' sonic DNA. You'll hear beautiful, recognizable melodies and everyday sounds from Aarhus that point to identity, home, and collective memory. You'll also be introduced to brand new and spontaneous sounds and tones that revolve around the sound of Aarhus.
Nana Pi is the winner of the P8 award for Firebrand of the Year 2020 - for her work as a mediator of contemporary compositional music and for creating her own music sign language "Extemporize".
Extemporize Orchestra is a conducted improvisation orchestra with a broad musical language. The orchestra's trademark is diversity, spontaneity, and originality, and it consists of some of the finest musicians from the Scandinavian improvisation scene.
The work has been produced with support from the Danish Arts Foundation, the Danish Composers' Society, and JazzDanmark.
Nana Pi Aabo-Kim (DK) - conductor & composer
Ignacio Córdoba (ES/DK) - field recordings & electronics
Johanna Sulkunen (FI/DK)- vocal & electronics
Birgitte Lyregaard (DK) - vocal
Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen (DK/US) - sax, flute, alto clarinet, vocal & electronics
Maria Dybbroe (DK) - sax & clarinet
Erik Kimestad (NO) - trumpet
Ola Rubin (SE) - trombone
Kristian Tangvik (NO) - tuba
Henrik Olsson (SE) - guitar & objects
Tom Blancarte (US) - upright bass & euphonium
Asger Thomsen (DK) - contrabass & objects
Halym Aabo-Kim (DE) – drums
turkis x Det Grønlandske Hus x Aarhundredes Festival
turkis x Aarhundredes Festival