Doors: 19:30 // Entrance: 150 DKK
Kalaallit Illuat Aarhusimi taavalu spillestedet turkis qaaqqusivoq Juullimi tusarnaartitsinermut Rasmus Lyberth nipilersoqatigisartagaalu. Rasmus Lyberth juullimi tusarnaartitsisarneri nuannarineqarluartarput, tusarnaartitsinermilu nammineq erinniai juullerpalaartullu tusarnaarsinnaavatit.
Pissaaq 21. Decembarimi nalunaaqutaq 19:30 Vester Allé 15, 8000 Aarhus C. Kalaallit Illuutaat Aarhus-iminngaanniit Ullukinnersioqatigeereerutta ataatsimoorluta Turkis-imut pisoqatigiissaagut.
Misigisassamut nuannerunangaartumut takunissarsi qilanaaralugu.
➤ Matut ammarneqarput: 19:30
➤ Erinarsuutit: 20:30
Det Grønlandske Hus and turkis invite you to a Christmas concert with Rasmus Lyberth and his band. Rasmus Lyberth's Christmas concerts are very popular, and at this concert, you will hear his own songs along with original Christmas songs.
It will take place on December 21 at 19:30 at Vester Allé 15, 8000 Aarhus C. We will walk together from Det Grønlandske Hus in Aarhus after our Ulukinneq event in the house.
This year, Rasmus Lyberth will celebrate his 25th anniversary with sold-out concerts in Christians Church in Christianshavn. The spiritual aspect will be an important part of the concert during this cold Christmas season. In addition to his own songs, there will also be specially arranged Christmas songs and original Christmas tunes uniquely performed by Rasmus Lyberth and his formidable band.
We look forward to seeing you for an amazing experience.
➤ Doors open: 19:30
➤ Concert: 20:30
The Rasmus Lyberth Band is a unique assembly of experienced musicians with a deep passion for playing. Many years spent performing at various venues worldwide have allowed them to refine arrangements for Rasmus Lyberth's songs. Each musician’s musical skill and enthusiasm transcends through the fantastic songs, reaching every single audience member.
It is a high-class international band! Together, the band and the audience embark on a journey with Rasmus Lyberth's songs and his intense voice to a place where time and space nearly disappear. It is a powerful experience, and many in the audience are often deeply moved emotionally.
It’s a celebration of life and music – it’s the great voice from Greenland!
Guitar: Alain Apaloo (Togo)
Violin: Jane Clark (England)
Bass: Ulrik Skytte Andersen (Denmark)
Percussion: Ayi Solomon (Ghana)
Keys: Kristoffer Jul (Denmark)
Rasmus Lyberth (Greenland)