Doors: 18:00 // Concert: 18:30 // Entrance: 80 DKK // Students 60 DKK
Christmas ball with dance-loving concerts
It is now time for this year's Christmas ball at turkis! This year, in collaboration with Aarhus Folk Festival and Nordisk Dans Aarhus, we will invite you inside for an evening of great music, high spirits and lots of dancing! We need to get our feet moving, and you are therefore welcomed with a dance workshop in Nordic dance. If you don't feel like dancing dance, you are very welcome to show up anyway, as the music and the atmosphere are definitely worth an experience.
The rest of the evening offers Gløgg, fun and concerts with both Vesselil and Mads Hansen's Kapel. There will be lots of dancing, and it will be a colorful and wonderful evening. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Doors: 18:00
Workshop - Nordisk Dans: 18:30
Vesselil: 20:00
Mads Hansens Kapel: 21:30
turkis x Det Grønlandske Hus x Aarhundredes Festival
turkis x Aarhundredes Festival