The urge to seek is fundamental. The goal of finding is - perhaps - unattainable.
The project 'Adfærd' ventures into the unknown together with the author Luka Holmegaard and Bjørg Band. With literature and music as a guide, we allow ourselves to get confused as a group when we have to examine belonging and identity, language, and being in the world itself.
With Holmegaard, we unfold an authorship; we have to talk about expression, gender, language and transition. We must examine youth, as a broader concept, and how we understand ourselves and the world through language - both when language fits and when it must grow.
After meeting the author, we will enjoy a concert with Bjørg Band, a new music project where Jonas Hald, Marcus Rundell, Andreas Hald and Bjørg Møller play self-written pop numbers. Tracks that reflect on being young and searching in a time of disruption.
The combination of concert and writers' meeting gives us a larger and more versatile spectrum to delve into. We look forward to inviting you to search, and maybe even find.