Doors: 20:00 // Entrance: 120 DKK
Favorite Things presents: corto.alto + Baryl this night at turkis!
Experience a powerful mix of intuitive improvisation, electronic production, rhythmic bounce and bass-heavy dub with Scottish corto.alto! Baryl twists jazz, its past and prejudices, and with their eccentric live concerts, they hope to leave the audience inspired and resonating about the world we live in.
The evening begins and ends with DJ Malte Sanggaard, who in recent years has filled Aarhus in particular with an eclectic mix of musical events, including as the person behind the organization Favourite Things.
➤ Doors open: 20:00
➤ DJ Malte Sanggaard: 20:00
➤ Baryl: 20:45
➤ corto.alto: 22:00
➤ DJ Malte Sanggaard: 23:15
Den hurtigt voksende skotske komponist, producer og multi-instrumentalist corto.alto er blevet beskrevet som en traditionel jazz-entusiast, der er opvokset i internettets tidsalder. Aliaset tilhører Liam Shortall, der er baseret i Glasgow, og corto.alto bringer et friskt perspektiv til en kraftfuld blanding af intuitiv improvisation, elektronisk produktion, rytmisk bounce og bas-tung dub.
Omtalt af Gilles Peterson, Jamie Cullum, BBC 6 Music, KCRW, Jazzwise, Fip Radio i Frankrig og RRR i Australien for blot at nævne nogle få, og fremhævet hos Spotify, Apple Music og Bandcamp, siger Shortall, at debutudgivelsen 'Bad With Names' handler om at "tilgive dig selv".
Albummet artikulerer temaer som spildt ungdom, tiden der går, og rædslerne ved den accelererende nyhedscyklus med en tekstforfatters dygtighed over tolv instrumentale numre. Derudover samler det nogle af Storbritanniens fineste unge musikere, herunder Mercury-pris-nominerede pianist Fergus McCreadie, trompetist James Copus, trombonist Anoushka Nanguy, trommeslager Graham Costello og en strygekvartet, der fører corto.altos lyd i nye retninger.
Baryl is in an empathetic, dynamic and universal way present in their time. They play fearlessly, playfully and modernly, and explore the contrast between tight compositions and completely free collective improvisations.
Since their debut in 2021 baryl have made their mark on the Danish jazz scene. In the spring of 2022, they won the "Jazz competition" and have played sold-out concerts during Vinterjazz 2023. Politiken wrote: "In not many years, baryl may end up becoming one of the country's most in-demand groups. They are at least laying the foundation for something real big." Most recently, they released the album "what the hell is happening?" where i.a. Information writes: "Although the band name connotes trouble, BARYL plays only roguish numbers of the most enjoyable kind. The music is subtle and ambitious without being either silly or vain."
The world is constantly changing and developing, and Baryl has made a decision to embrace just that, in 2024 and beyond, when Baryl emerges in a new format, namely the quintet. From January 2024 we will experience Baryl as the quintet with 2 saxophones, both of whom have been playing with Baryl for a long time, and especially therefore it is only the natural next step for the band.